
Dreamers: Enamel Pins & Stationary Collection

Created by Leonie Jonk

A collection of enamel pins, stationary & decor based on the cutest celestial dreamers.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

It's a wrap!! All the rewards have been sent out!! 💌✨
2 months ago – Mon, Aug 12, 2024 at 06:01:08 AM

Hi all! I hope you'll excuse me for spamming, but I have wonderful news! Only a week ago I let you know that rewards were getting sent out left and right but that it might take some time for the last of the package to ship out. Well, scratch that! Because we just shipped out the last packages!! 

All the rewards are on their way to their owners AS WE SPEAK! 🥳

I won't take up too much of your time but just wanted to take a second to say a full-hearted THANK YOU to all of you who supported, shared, or helped out in any way, shape or form. This was my most ambitious project to date and I'm so incredibly proud and in love with this collection! Thank you so much for your help in turning it into a reality, I couldn't have done it without you!! 💖

New ideas are already rattling around in my brain for the next Kickstarter (or two?) but first I will take some time to recover from these last few months. 

The last stack!! (inc. me, Dim & Motto!)

 Hope you have the best day today! 

ILU!!! 💖💖💖

With Love,


Packages are flying out to their owners! 💌✨
2 months ago – Tue, Aug 06, 2024 at 02:01:49 AM

Hello friends!

I have a short but sweet update for you today. I've shipped the first Kickstarter packages; some have already begun to arrive! 🥳

In the past, I always tried to pack all of the packages first before bulk shipping them all in one go. That was always very rewarding to show and for me to see. There's nothing like a big stack of packages! 😍 But because of my tennis elbows my priorities shifted from getting that fun content to just getting those packages out to you as soon as I was able. 

At this point over half of the packages have already been shipped. 🥳

Right now the biggest hold-up for the leftover packages is the pin banners. Due to health issues with both me and my partner (who helps me print them by hand), we can't create them as fast as I'd like to. So finishing those will take some time. So if you ordered a pin banner (or one will be included in your package) and you don't receive your package soon, chances are I'm still putting the finishing touches on your product and they'll be shipped out to you a bit later. I'm very very sorry about that! However, I'd rather ship them later than ship faulty products and these pin banners take a LOT of time to make. I hope you can understand that.

Rest assured though that packages are going out! I'm working on the third batch this week and will continue to do so until all of them are on their way to you 💖

The only photo I managed to make while packing the first two batches because I used all my arm power for packing and none for picture taking 🥲

I'll update again when I have more to tell you! I hope you're doing wonderful today 💖

If you have any questions, feel free to ask as always.

With Love,


Chipping away at the orders (and a tiny little setback)
4 months ago – Wed, Jul 03, 2024 at 05:28:43 AM

Hi friends! 
It's been a while since an update so I thought I'd check in! After my last update, I was confident we were going to finish way ahead of schedule. Things were moving at lightning speed it felt like! But while we're still well within schedule, things over here have slowed down a little bit and not without good reason. 

There were still a lot of products that we had to hand make (such as finishing up all of the stickers, putting the pins on their backing cards and hand pressing the pin banners and making all the branding!). Still, a few weeks ago my arms were really hurting. The physio gave me the diagnosis of a double tennis elbow and told me in no uncertain terms that I had to drop everything I was doing immediately. Yikes!
This put a damper on my joy of finishing the Kickstarter extra quickly and put me in a pickle because I wasn’t allowed to use my arm in the run-up to my biggest (and only) big event of the year! I had to accept that I wouldn’t be able to ship the whole Kickstarter before Twitchcon (which had been my hope). Nevertheless, with my partner working as my arms we managed to finish all the prep work for the con and this past weekend we had a successful Twitchcon EU. Now that the con is in my rearview mirror  I can put all my energy and attention back towards the Kickstarter! Yay! 🥳

While I still have to take significant rest to recover from the con (my poor arms especially) I’ll slowly be chipping away at the Kickstarter orders one at a time.

In the meantime, have a peek at the finished Pin Banners. Don’t they look just wonderful?? 🤩

I want to thank you all for your patience. Hopefully, my next update to you will be that everything has been shipped! (We can be positive, right?! :D)

With Love ❤︎


Locking Orders & So many product photos!
5 months ago – Tue, May 21, 2024 at 07:53:20 AM

Hello hello!!

How have you been? I've been a bit quiet on the updating front but I've been working hard behind the scenes! I am so excited to show you all the products that have come in or that I've been working on making! No only are the pins all prepped for you, I've also received the Mousepads and the Bookmarks AND made all the stickers (including some small freebies that you'll all be receiving in your orders! 🥳)

Before we get to the fun stuff (pictures!) I want to let you know about something very important;

I will be Locking Orders in 48 hours

With so many of the products done, I am preparing to go from the production phase to the packing phase! YAY! 🥳 (That's nearly 3 months ahead of schedule!! 😁) In order to make sure I can continue on without a break I'll be locking all the orders through Backerkit in 48 hours. This means that after those 48 hours you won't be able to make any more changes to your order, so you won't be able to add any additional items, or make any changes to your order after that time. You will be receiving an email from Backerkit about that shortly after you've received this update. I'm letting you know here, so that you'll know it's coming :)

You will still be able to update your shipping address after the 48 hours. So no worries there. If you've ordered any additional items, Backerkit will be collecting that from your creditcards after this time. 

 The shinies!

Looking at all of these things together just fills me with SO much joy. I've tried to photograph the pins for you in various lighting so you can see the different details and effects too! ^_^

What's next?

You will receive an email from backerkit to let you know that your orders will be locked within 48 hours, they'll take any additional funds from your cards and send them to me. 

In the meantime I'll get to work on producing the pin banners, the prints and all the packaging for our beautiful new collection! After all of those are finished, I'll get started with packing and shipping it all to you! The way things are looking right now they might all be out the door before July rolls around. Let's keep our fingers crossed for smooth sailing from hereon out so you can all get your goodies as soon as humanly possible 😁

I hope you liked seeing this little update and I'll be in touch again soon.

With Love ❤︎


All the Pin photos!
6 months ago – Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 05:10:24 AM

Hi friends!

Sorry about the spam. Something went wrong when I published the other update, the publisher said there were 5 photos in there but only one went through after I sent it! :( 

Here's all the pin photos together!

I hope you liked seeing these photos from my manufacturer! 

(sorry again about the spam but I couldn't hold out on you like that could I? ;))

